








作成環境:Mac OS X 10.7.5

property name : "OS付属の辞書、Logophile、Googleで検索する.scpt"
property target_URL_g_sr : "https://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&q="
property target_URL_g_tr : "https://translate.google.com/?hl=ja#auto/ja/"

--雑多の備忘録 - AppleScript/文字列
--AppleScript for Python Programmers (Comparison Chart), by Aurelio Jargas
--MacScripter / Trim [Remove Spaces]

on run
    --set gotValue to my getStringAtFrontMostApp()
        set gotValue to the clipboard as Unicode text
        set gotValue to my trim(true, gotValue)
    on error
        set gotValue to ""
    end try
    if gotValue is "" then
        set theResult to display dialog "Please input words to search." default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Dictionary", "Google"} default button 2
        set gotValue to text returned of theResult
        --display dialog gotValue
        set gotButton to button returned of theResult
        set theResult to display dialog "Please check words to search." default answer gotValue buttons {"Cancel", "Dictionary", "Google"} default button 2
        set gotValue to text returned of theResult
        set gotButton to button returned of theResult
    end if
    if (gotButton is "Dictionary") then
        --delay 1
        set targetApp to application "Dictionary"
    else if (gotButton is "Google") then
        set theResult to display dialog "Please select search or translation." & return & return & "Search word(s): " & gotValue buttons {"Search", "Both", "Translation"} default button 2
        set gotButton to button returned of theResult
        set wordsNumber to count of word in gotValue
        set search_string to my myUrlEncode(gotValue)
        if gotButton is "Search" then
            set locationURL_g_sr to target_URL_g_sr & search_string as Unicode text
            open location locationURL_g_sr --検索結果ページを開きます
        else if gotButton is "Translation" then
            set locationURL_g_tr to target_URL_g_tr & search_string as Unicode text
            open location locationURL_g_tr --検索結果ページを開きます
        else if gotButton is "Both" then
            set locationURL_g_sr to target_URL_g_sr & search_string as Unicode text
            set locationURL_g_tr to target_URL_g_tr & search_string as Unicode text
            open location locationURL_g_sr --検索結果ページを開きます
            open location locationURL_g_tr --検索結果ページを開きます
        end if
    end if
end run


on trim(theseCharacters, someText)
    -- Lazy default (AppleScript doesn't support default values)
    if theseCharacters is true then set theseCharacters to ¬
        {space, tab, linefeed, return, ASCII character 0}
    -- ASCII character 0 は NUL(null文字)
    repeat until first character of someText is not in theseCharacters
        set someText to text 2 thru -1 of someText
    end repeat
    repeat until last character of someText is not in theseCharacters
        set someText to text 1 thru -2 of someText
    end repeat
    return someText
end trim

on getStringAtFrontMostApp()
    set frontmostApp to path to frontmost application
    tell application "Finder"
        set appName to name of frontmostApp
    end tell
    --display dialog appName
    if appName ends with ".app" then
        set appName to text 1 thru -5 of appName
    end if
    activate application appName
    tell application "System Events"
        tell application process appName
            keystroke "c" using command down
        end tell
    end tell
    delay 1
    tell application appName
            set theText to the clipboard as Unicode text
        on error
            set theText to ""
        end try
    end tell
    return theText
end getStringAtFrontMostApp

on lookupInLogophile(targetApp)
    --set frontmostApp to path to frontmost application
    set frontmostApp to path to targetApp
    tell application "Finder"
        set appName to name of frontmostApp
    end tell
    if appName ends with ".app" then
        set appName to text 1 thru -5 of appName
    end if
    activate application appName
    tell application "System Events"
        tell application process appName
            keystroke "e" using {command down, shift down}
        end tell
    end tell
    activate application "Logophile"
end lookupInLogophile

on lookupInDictionary(gotValue)
        set myWordForSearch to gotValue as Unicode text
    on error
        set myWordForSearch to ""
    end try
    if myWordForSearch is not "" then
        set escapedMyWordForSearch to my escapeForShellScript(myWordForSearch)
        --display dialog escapedMyWordForSearch
        set myURL to "dict://" & escapedMyWordForSearch as Unicode text
        --display dialog myURL
        set myShellScript to "open '" & myURL & "'"
        --display dialog myShellScript
        --open location myURL  --「付属」等ローマ字以外の文字列を渡すと開けない?
        do shell script myShellScript
        activate application "Dictionary"
        say "No word is available."
        activate application "Dictionary"
    end if
end lookupInDictionary

on escapeForShellScript(theText)
    set modifiedText to theText
    if (offset of "'" in modifiedText) > 0 then
        --set modifiedText to my replaceText(modifiedText, "'", "\\'") -- %27
        set modifiedText to my replaceText(modifiedText, "'", "%27") -- %27
    end if
    if (offset of "\"" in modifiedText) > 0 then
        --set modifiedText to my replaceText(modifiedText, "\"", "\\\"")
        set modifiedText to my replaceText(modifiedText, "\"", "%22")
    end if
    return modifiedText
end escapeForShellScript


on myUrlEncode(sourceText)
    do shell script "python -c 'import sys, urllib; print urllib.quote(sys.argv[1])' " & quoted form of sourceText -- python で URL エンコードする。
    set encodedText to the result -- 結果を取得する。
    return encodedText
end myUrlEncode

on devText(theText, aDelimiter)
    set tmp to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to aDelimiter
    set theList to every text item of theText
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tmp
    return theList
end devText

on joinList(theList, aDelimiter)
    set tmp to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to aDelimiter
    set theText to theList as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tmp
    return theText
end joinList

on replaceText(theText, serchStr, replaceStr)
    set tmp to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to serchStr
    set theList to every text item of theText
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceStr
    set theText to theList as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tmp
    return theText
end replaceText